Chapter: E-Commerce and E-Governance MCQ Test

E-Commerce MCQ Test

Chapter: E-Commerce and E-Governance MCQ Test

1. Buying and selling of goods or services on the internet is called:

2. Which of the following is a common type of E-Commerce?

3. What are the phases of a trade cycle?

4. Which of the following is NOT a payment mode in E-Commerce?

5. M-Commerce stands for:

6. Which technology is important for paperless exchange of information?

7. E-Governance is related to:

8. Which of these is NOT a type of E-Governance?

9. Encryption in E-Commerce is used for:

10. Which is an example of a digital signature use?

11. What does B2C mean?

12. What is the role of a digital certificate?

13. Which of the following is an example of C2C E-Commerce?

14. Social commerce leverages:

15. What is the function of EDI?

16. Which of the following is a type of G2G interaction?

17. Which payment mode is used commonly in E-Commerce?

18. What is the main benefit of encryption?

19. G2C refers to:

20. Which of these is a trade cycle phase?

21. B2B interactions refer to:

22. Which is a benefit of M-Commerce?

23. What does C2B involve?

24. E-Governance aims to improve:

25. The most secure payment mode is:


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